Monday, February 13, 2017

Igbo people are known for a lot of things

Igbo people are known for a lot of things. We shall outline a few of them,

This is the chief feature Igbo people or, any other ethnic nationality for that matter are known for, is language. When Nigerians meet anywhere whether at home or in diaspora, no one can precisely say where the other hails from until he or she speaks his/her native language. That fact makes Igbo language the chief feature Igbos are known for.

Breaking of Kolanut: 

Members of other tribes in Nigeria know Igbo people for breaking of kolanuts. It is very important to Igbo people, because they believe that it is with kolanuts that strong connections are made to God, and for giving gratitude to Him.

Traditional Festivals:  

Igbo people are well known for celebrating different traditional festivities such as: New yam festival, moonlight plays, story-telling etc like no other people in the world.

Igbos are well known for migrating to other lands. It is with a spirit of hard work that Igbo people move form place to place in search of greener pastures. There is no place in the world you won’t find any Igbo person as resident there.
Business and Entrepreneurship:
It is very difficult to find any Igbo family without at least one entrepreneur or businessman.

Igbos are known for the popular lion-head patterns on their dresses as well as the red cap worn by male chiefs.


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