Monday, February 13, 2017

Igbo men and women making money

How many times have you heard other Igbo people use the words “making money?” Or. “I just want to make money” or, “I need to make money.” A million times. Right? I bet you have probably used them yourself.

Although, it is the same set of words, the meanings behind these words are different in the minds of rich Igbo men and the poor among us. To the poor in the South-East, “making money” means working longer or harder for other people in order to get more take home pay or salary. And, that’s all they know how to do – sell their time.

But when rich Igbo men speak about “making money,” what they are saying is very different from what the poor have in mind. When rich Igbo people use the words “make money,” they are talking about “creating wealth” “building businesses of their own.” They never mean selling their time to other people on a job.

As far as the Igbos are concerned, “making more money” has a double meaning and the meaning depends on who is saying those words.


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