Thursday, December 15, 2016


In my journey of life to the present destination I find myself, I have come to find out about a truth, that, the enlightened soul’s thinking and reasoning can never be fooled by the lies they are fed.
That those who are in the dark and continuously choose to remain in the dark will always find themselves being deceived again and over again either by themselves thereby making themselves ever gullible and culpable by the pranks of their inactions or be toyed with by others because they have chosen to be indolent within their thoughts, reasoning and actions.

I am inspired to put this short piece together because of a video I came across recently. It was a video of a certain American preacher. So interesting the content of the preachment that I felt it should be brought to the notice of all, especially since it is a problem amongst many, I think, that has negated the growth and development of our dear country to this present day.

The preacher had started with the build-up of his narration of an African country whose copper mine the country could not manage and decided to sell it out to a foreign body for what would be consider a peanut at the rate of twenty-five million dollars or so.

Within a short period of time, the company that bought the copper mine had made a profit thrice the amount the copper mine was bought and since the price for buying the mine was not paid in buck but  in  instalments, the company had to pay to that country government .00006%  of whatever profit from the proceeds generated.

Where the government and people of that African country had failed, the foreign company and its investors benefited and gained. And what could be the reason behind this? Simple.

Where the former lacked the decisive managerial skills or power to see the copper mine blossom and attend to the need of its people and transform lives and the place into a paradise on earth, the latter had in abundance.

The preacher had lamented and his lamentation was shared. In that African country with all its abundance of shallow managerial skills and power to make the right decision as it is present in many African countries, Nigeria not excluded, are churches, mosques and shrines, all praying, fasting, hitting their heads on the ground untold times and pouring of libation. And to what purpose? Whereas there are hunger in the land, poverty, insecurity and many other vices that do not sing the song of a paradisiacal existence.

There is nothing wrong in praying. There is nothing wrong in fasting. And there is nothing wrong in the pouring of libation or whatever any other approach man thinks he can communicate with his creator, but everything becomes wrong when all said and done, religion takes the front burner while decisions to attain success and make our earthly life a joy and happiness and create a soaring spirit of same joy and happiness is relegated.

Would prayer and fasting and the pouring of libation address the poverty and all the other vices facing the world and put a stop to them? Only a little or nothing would be achieved.

According to the preacher, praying, fasting and the shouting of Hallelujah millions of times do not equate to any success story and it would never be, what such spiritual exercise does is a revelatory equation, and what we do with the revelation we have based on the decision we are able to churn out of it becomes the all decisive consequence of our lives and existence.

Have we ever wondered that with all the religious houses scattered all over the country, especially in the suburbs and rural areas because hope and confidence have been lost in selves therefore berating the unnecessary, with all the fasting and praying we have carried out, either in the past, now or in the future; for that ordinary man and woman on the street who live in a forgotten squalour of society, life and existence is still a mystery and a state of confusion?

I have seen many-these are within the poor brackets- who engaged in marathon fasting and praying to the extent that they have developed chronic ulcer yet they have nothing to show for their physical lives left for frustration. Why are these persons frustrated? Because they confuse the revelatory equation to success equation, which is a lie.

Many a times when we pray and fast, we are dead to the flesh, which all this while had deprived the spirit from reaching its goal, and immediately there is freedom for the spirit to begin to roam in the exploration of things only the spirit can discern only then would revelation start to take place and what we do with these revelations becomes the good story or bad story of our existence.

We have had great, many revelations about the greatness of Nigeria, about the power and strength of our cultural and linguistic differences, how, when properly harnessed can bring about that greatness and success equation that has proven elusive to every Nigerian, but what have done with such revelations?

The story has been told and many times we have read about it, how Christ Jesus prayed and fasted for forty days. What we were not told or read about is that the Son of God did not walk out of that spiritual session to become a success overnight, instead, He worked on the revelations presented to Him on that single discipline and that He was able to fight down the temptations that came after that would have stood in the way of the success story of the salvation that was revealed that would come to mankind. He made a decision.

Christianity, Islam, Animism or what have you to get to the Godhead would not transform the lives of mankind but would only end up as yet the activity of religionism and in its emptiness if decisions are not taken, of course, the decisions have to be right and positive because the truth rest in the fact that successes not, but revelation rest in the spiritual exercises attributed to those faiths and to decide aright those faiths are the path they lead.

keep Hope Alive


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