Friday, December 16, 2016

MY DREAM , MY PASSION - I am a star


She is one of THE IGBOS, she is vibrant and ambitious and indeed making hay while the sun shines. She is Oge Udensi, a
young movie actress that has a big dream of being a top notch in the movie industry and indeed Nigerian’s number one movie actress. She is not just stopping at dreaming; she is taking steps and putting herself out there to make sure that she breaks into the industry big time.

      I am Oge Udensi. Hail from Umuchukwu Ihiteowerri in Orlu Local Government area of Imo State. The daughter of late Mr. Udensi who died when I was still but a child leaving me and my 6 siblings to the care of my mother. My mother gave birth to seven (7) children, five (5) girls and 2 boys with me as the third child and the second

       Well, I can say my growing up was cool but it was filled with a lot of ups and downs. After the death of my father in 1999, it seemed like the world had come to an end. My mother was left with seven (7) children to cater for. Finding three square meal to eat a day was a mirage that could only be imagined. I could see that it was confusing and tedious process for her. She however started hustling and doing all kinds of business like frying Akara on the road, going to the market to buy banga, make it into red oil and take it to the market to sell, doing some buying and selling just to make sure that myself and my siblings have food on the table to eat as well as go to school.

My elder sister and I used to accompany
her to the market to sell to lessen the work for her. Once I come back from school, I bath, eat, fetch water for the house and then proceed to the market to pick up the Akara that my mother would have fried down for sale. The experience was a combination of fun and stress. Sometimes, after all the stress, we still could not afford three square meal but in the end, we pulled through. Although we are not rich today, we are far better than the way we were.

     Actually, as a kid, I have always loved taking center stage. Then, I used to dance everywhere I go, in school, church and in the village. I always make sure that I participate in my school debate. I always asked my English teacher to teach me English because I know I would be an actress in future. Each time I told him this, he always laughed at him but he also gave me an extra lesson in English that today is a plus for me.

 I graduated from secondary school and went to Lagos to stay with my aunt. Because I didn’t like idling around, I got myself a job at the computer village as a sale girl and I was being paid the sum of N3, 500 monthly. While working there at the computer village, I met a girl named Patience, an actress. When she told me she was an actress, I was immediately interested in knowing more. With much prodding and begging, she took me to one Emeka Rising Ibe who was contesting for the seat of the Chairman of the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGM) as well as teaching upcoming actress the art of acting. After much quizzing, he asked me to register with the Actors Guild of Nigeria and then I could join them. That was how I entered the movie industry.

 As an upcoming actress, most times we are called to locations and in the end; we are not paid a dime because to them, they are even adding to your portfolio by showcasing you on their set. Because of this, I stopped acting for a while so that I can work and raise money to continue going to locations. However, my elder sister seeing my passion decided to take the financial burden of going to locations upon herself and ask me to focus on bringing the creativity in me to the fore. So, I stopped working and entered acting fully.

On set

     After featuring in so many movies that is not out up till date, I was privileged to meet one movie director Okey Ifeanyi who gave me an opportunity to be featured in a movie titled “Daddy’s Girl”. Although, I was featured in just two scenes, I was very excited when I brought the movie home and we slotted it in. I cannot even equate the joy I felt seeing myself on television, knowing that a lot of persons would also see the movie. It was amazing. My mother was beyond herself with joy that she started showering me with blessings and for my siblings, I could tell that something had changed in the way they saw me, they were in awe. That was indeed an amazing moment.

I have featured in so many movie but not all of them are out. Such movies like “Papa Do Something”, “Munachi the blind girl”, “Tears of a Blind Queen”, ”School Girls On Point” that has its internet name as “School Sex on Point”, “In Love With A Maid” make the list.

    I see myself at the very top of the industry. I don’t know how that will happen right now but with God on my side, I pray that I can achieve the level of fame that I envision by then.

     My mother (Smiling) through all those pain and stress and indeed using all her strength and resources to make sure that my siblings and I finished secondary school at least even if she couldn’t afford the University bill.

However, in the industry, Tonto Dike is always a sure bet. I admire her poise and the way she acts effortlessly and I look forward to setting a pace like she has done in the industry and perhaps even surmount her (Laughs)

    If you have a dream go for it with everything you have. The challenges will come but with patience and consistency, the sky is most definitely your starting point.

You can always get in touch through my email address I reply as soon as I can.

    My pleasure.


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